Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

Bhartiya Vidya Mandir School

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BVM (USN) observes Constitution Day « 26/Nov/2019

BVM (USN) observes Constitution Day
The existence and successful survival of ‘Democracy’ in diverse conditions is the most celebrated fact about our country and the constitution is its backbone. To reinforce the significance of Indian constitution, ‘Constitution Day or Samvidhan Diwas’ was observed at BVM, USN to honour and remember the architect of the Indian Constitution, Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar. In the special assembly today, Sujal of X-A, through his speech took everyone on a journey undertaken to frame constitution and focused on its vital role to bring all the citizens of India together. The BVMites took oath to safeguard the sovereignty and integrity of the constitution. The preamble of the constitution was read by Jaanvi Rawat (VIII class). Enhancing the awareness of the students Mrs. Priyanka Kapila (TGT Social Science) illustrated that the preamble imparts constitutional supremacy which is adopted by its people. As a part of celebration ‘slogan writing’ and ‘poster making’ activities based on the themes: ‘Constitution and Preamble’ was also conducted for the classes VI to VIII.
In her address, Principal Mrs. Bandana Sethi said that democracy is not merely a form of government, it is primarily a mode of associated living and we all should respect it.